Planting and Growing Guide for Cauliflower (brassica oleracea var. botrytus botrytus)


Cauliflowers can be hard to grow successfully in home gardens. Cauliflower is the most sensitive to frost that other brassicas, and it cannot tolerate heat very well. Added to this, cauliflowers are hard to transplant successfully and they are susceptible to many pests such as white butterfly, snails and slugs. Getting large heads is a real challenge.

Best grown in cool conditions. Not suitable for hot summer weather. For spring plantings, harvesting in early summer, start the seedlings indoors about 4-6 weeks before you expect frosts to finish. For late season crops, plant seeds directly into the garden bed about 9-10 weeks before the first frost is expected. Water your cauliflower regularly, every 4-5 days. Your cauliflower needs regular watering and regular small feed of fertiliser to produce nice large heads. But, do not over-water or over-fertilise - everything in moderation.

Planting Guide

Seed Depth: Grow in seed trays in areas with frosts or sow directly into the garden bed and be careful to keep the soil moist until the seeds germinate. Sow about 5-10 mm (1/4 to 1/2 inch) deep in large deep trays, so the roots will be less disturbed when transplanting.

Space between plants: Space plants about 60-80 cm (3-4 inches) apart. Space rows about 30 cm (12 inches) apart

Harvest Time: Harvest in about 15-20 weeks


ints, tips and tricks for growing Cauliflower in home gardens.
Hints, tips and tricks for growing Cauliflower in home gardens. Source: Public Domain

Disclaimer: The PlantWhatWhen vegetable planting guide is only designed for use as a very general reference for home gardening purposes. It is not to be used for farming, markets or commercial activities of any kind whatsoever. We take absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the information provided on this site. We recommend that you consider your local climate, weather patterns and conditions when deciding what and when to plant in your home garden. It's entirely your own decision. Happy Gardening and Best Wishes!