Planting and Growing Guide for Soybean or Soya bean (Glycine max)


The Soybean or Soya bean is a free-branching annual legume that grows as bushes about 30-90 cm (12 to 36 inches) tall. Soybeans are grown in home garden for their young pods and green beans. The immature soybean pods are known as Edamame. The pods grow to about 25-100 cm (1 to 4 inches) long in clusters of 3 to 5, with each pod containing 2-4 seeds. There is a huge array of varieties with many different seed size, shape and colors. As a guide guide. grow about 4-8 Soybean plants for each member of the household.

Soybeans require warm weather to grow and are frost tender. Spring is the best time to plant Soybeans, which produce seed and die in a single growing season. Generally wait until two to three weeks after the last frost date to plant Soybeans. In mild, Mediterranean and other frost-free climates, plant Soybeans in late winter or early in spring when the soil warms. Soybeans prefer warm air temperatures to grow well. Soybeans can be planted earlier in warm-winter regions. They are best planted in May or June, but can be planted as late as April or May in warmer regions. Water regularly during flowering and pod formation, but avoid overhead watering which can cause flowers and pods to drop. Soybeans, like other legumes can fix nitrogen and so nitrogen rich fertilisers are not necessary. Soybeans can be grown in large, deep pots and containers.

Green Soybean pods and seeds have a plethora of uses. They can be eaten fresh or cooked in a variety of ways. Large-seeded soybean pods can eaten as a green vegetable. They can be boiled, steamed or lightly fried. Excess Edamame can be easily stored by blanching and freezing. Add the pods to lightly salted, boiling water and cook for about 3-4 minutes. When they're done, place the pods into a basin of ice water. Dry the pods and freeze in serving-size plastic bags. Frozen Edamame pods only require cooking for two to three minutes.

Planting Guide

Seed Depth: Plant seed directly in the garden about 24-50 cm (1-2 inches deep). Be patient as soybeans take longer to germinate than most other plants. Soybeans must have warm soil to germinate and grow. Seedlings emerge in about 10-12 days.

Space between plants: Space plants about about 50-100 cm (2-4 inches) apart. Space rows 50-80 cm (24 to 30 inches) apart

Harvest Time: Harvest in about 9-15 weeks, but small pods can be picked earlier.


Discover how to grow and enjoy Edamame, green juvenile Soybean pods and seeds
Discover how to grow and enjoy Edamame, green juvenile Soybean pods and seeds. Source: Public Domain

Disclaimer: The PlantWhatWhen vegetable planting guide is only designed for use as a very general reference for home gardening purposes. It is not to be used for farming, markets or commercial activities of any kind whatsoever. We take absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the information provided on this site. We recommend that you consider your local climate, weather patterns and conditions when deciding what and when to plant in your home garden. It's entirely your own decision. Happy Gardening and Best Wishes!